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So, you’re finally done with your office chair and you want a new one. The time has finally come. We are really happy for you, and proud because it is not an easy choice to make for most people.

Office chairs can be quite expensive, and if you choose to save some money, you can sadly end up getting just what you paid for in the first place.

That being said, there are many ways to try and purchase an executive office chair (or just a regular task chair, there isn’t that much difference anymore) without losing your head in the process. Here are some tips to help you get the best one:

Know what to look for before buying it

Don’t get yourself confused with all of the names and product categories you will be looking at on company websites. Most of the words are that just buzzwords that make you feel like the subject is more complicated than it actually is.

The truth is what you really need will most likely be at the top of the website, sometimes it is just that easy. You can always call ahead or go to a showroom and ask what individuals (not companies) usually purchase at that store. That will give you a better sense as to what you should be buying, and trust me, I know that modern office furniture is not a very hot topic (like, ever).

Some third-party retailers, like Manhattan Office Design, usually bring together a number of brands and you can pick and choose what you need from all of them, including a new chair (which is like 70% of the market). Go do some research on them and come back to this article afterward.

Be ready to spend some money

A great executive or task chair will set you back some money; you have to be prepared to accept that. Lots of people think that they can save cash by buying cheap, but one thing they can’t save is their own backs. You need that back support or you’ll be retiring at 30 without a pension or a 401k or whatever you had in mind.

Modern office furniture is an industry like any other, and it needs to make money. However, in this case, your health is directly involved in the mix. Just like with the pharmaceutical industry. The difference here is that you get the chance to decide between cheap and good with a bit more ease.

An ergonomic executive office chair from Humanscale, one of our personal favorite companies, will set you back an average of $1,000. Yes, a thousand dollars. You can always buy used if you know the source, but face it, this is the average price. Cheaper chairs usually mean early back pains.

Don’t rely entirely on your office chair

Do you know what the worst thing is about the whole array of back problems you can get from sitting a lot? That there’s not much we can do about it, we’re going to be sitting for a long time as salary people.

This reason is why you shouldn’t rely entirely on your task chair, and you should always seek to improve yourself in various ways. Many of the modern office furniture companies I just mentioned realize this, and they’re trying to sell employers a new kind of workplace, one that allows people to be a little more active, one that addresses these workplace health issues and works with them. Think about the whole “standing desks” trend.

Getting a new chair for your back should be the first thing on your health list, but it should never, ever, ever, ever be the only thing.