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Several functional and aesthetic characteristics have made the HON Ignition chair one of the most recognized pieces in the manufacturer’s product catalog. Everyone wants a top-notch chair for their office environment, but the task becomes a bit complex when they discover that the catalog of options is extensive, almost innumerable, and each product seems to offer very similar features to its more direct competitors. In this shortlist, we’ll highlight the three key features that make the Ignition chair a convenient option.

1.- Its high ergonomics. This is a multifactorial aspect that in fact, is defined by various technical characteristics that make it special. The piece is made to adapt properly to the shape of an average human body, with the right height and proportions, and guarantees stability, balance, and perfect cushion.

2.- Adjustable backrest. Choosing between a low back desk chair and a high back chair is less important when it comes to Ignition chairs because they allow the height of the back to be adjusted to suit the user’s needs.

3.- Tilt control. The synchro system is a highly valued feature in the design of desk chairs, as it allows you to regulate the inclination of the back and the movement of the seat so that the body can move dynamically. Also, this chair allows you to adjust the backrest to the angle you need.

HON Ignition Chair
Source: HON Furniture